In response to my blog about the rising prices of utilities like electricity and petrol a reader make a comment in jest (I think) that it won't be long before we get charged for breathing the air. I smiled when I read it. But today in the NST there is this advertisement which wiped the smile off my face for a minute. Has it started? Are they now showing us how to make clean air? Just like they so subtly got us buying and using water filters when clean water is a tax payer's right? Don't laugh. It might just happen. What? You think air is free ah?
Nah, at least not in our lifetime.
Thought provoking though
save the air my foot, it's not the rakyat that polutes the air but the rich cronies with their 3rd rate papan factories!
Not in our lifetime? You mean having to pay for clean air? I hope you're right although I am not confident.
Well the rakyat also contribute I think.
certain groups of people are lobbying/pushing for a law/guideline on air quality in certain areas now. This is to make sure office for instance have certain air quality index. So in simple words, maybe when they enforce this, your office air quality if not reach the standard required, you may need to
1. pay for the fine
2. get some specialist to improve the air quality. (they will propose certain measures to improve the air quality eg. space requirments, materials used)
yes very soon we will pay for the clean air . you can say that :)
p/s : it can be office, airport maybe, shopping complex..when this law is implemented, this will translate to higher occupancy cost? Maybe :)
the above mentioned 'air quality in certain areas' sounds bit too general. It should be air quality in buildings(indoor air quality)
When the day comes to have to pay for clean air, I wonder how they will go against defaulters..... cut off air to their house/ofFice? How to do that? Install gigantic vacuum machine on the door to deprive the occupant of all air..?
Or they might just strangle defaulters. That'll get to the root of their problem, methinks...
I supposed we get cynical after witnessing so many incompetences and injustice
I`ve been away from KL for a while now, am coming back soon. I keep abreast with issues by reading your blog.............can`t be inspired to visit the newspapers online.
It will be a sad thing if we do get charged for air, that is true.
sorry.........have to point out the seemingly obvious similarity between ths spelling of water in BM(Air) and air.........
Future money-making plans anyone?????
Guess I'll be flying off to Indonesia to talk to my bros there to see how they can pump up the burning activites so I can start my clean-air services...
;- ))
You know, I was reading the Star today and came across a report that quoted our beloved PM as saying that our economy was expected to grow by 6% as compared with 5.3% last year, bolstered by commendable performances in various sectors.
My question is if we're doing so f**kingly good, how come 'this increase, that increase'? Why are the benefits not passed to us? Where the fark is the dough going to? Headscratcher, this.
For the past few years, our economy has been expanding at our expense!
Price increase means:
1. Companies make money
2. Govt make money (via tax, GLC)
3. People lose money
Then of course, there is VSS, MSS, WSS (Whatever Separation Scheme), Retrenchment, Restructuring. Impact would be:
1. Company save money (Less worker)
2. Govt make money (via tax, GLC)
3. People lose money (no job plus we taxpayers basically are the ones funding GLCs)
So if you want a piece of the benefit, like myself and willing to take risks, well, head on to the stock market.
Yeah darn risky but what to do, if I put my money in FD, I sure lose money (Inflation at 4.8% while FD at 3.8%)
LHDN reported increase of revenue every year, last year they recorded all time high collection. Show me the money!!
This year will be more. Let's not forget now they have additional revenues from
1. Lower fuel subsidy
2. Higher electricity tariff
3. Higher assessments and quit rent
4. Higher water tariff (soon nationwide?)
pele said brazil will win.. so watch out :P (he's always wrong hahaha!)
bongkerz & overthefence, please leave football out of this blog. thank you.
To clear the air,
Step 1: clear the hot air and some kentut air near the parliament area first.
bongkerz & overthefence,
yeah, look at Patrick's stare. ;)
Euw, I can feel the chill in the air.
A scrary fact and a mind-blogging stare.
there will be a time when we'll all get taxed for flatulance...
“We have to adopt waste reduction soon,” says the environmental crusader Gurmit Singh. “Basically, the people who generate waste must be prepared
to pay for it.”
Being part of the next generation, I have grown up to be ignorant of where the daily rubbish i made went, let alone how it was managed. Looks like most of our dumpsite will be overflowed in 2 years, and the largest-in-Asia incinerator in Broga contaminating our Klang Valley water resources soon.
Electricity, water, air, then paying for what we throw... Soon enough, I will work, and pay more for mistakes that have been foreseen by many today. I will be paying for my own death!
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